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ACL Caching using Session
by macduy  on January 05, 2010
ACL checks can be costly and would benefit from caching. One approach would be to use Cake's Caching system, as implemented in http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/caching-acl-permissions-with-cachedaclcomponent. Presented here is a different approach, where the cache is stored using Session.
How it works
Results of ACL checks are stored in the Session variable 'Acl'. Every time an ACL check is performed, the component looks into this variable to see if the result has been stored, if not, it performs the usual check using the original AclComponent and then stores the result in the variable.

The limitations of this method is its reliance on the Session component. Also, the cache remains active until the user destroys the session, either by logging out or manually. This will cause problems if ACL rights tend to change often while the Session remains active.

Getting the code
To use the component, download the code on the next page and store it in /app/controllers/components/ as session_acl.php.

How to use

To use the component, include it in the $component variable, along with Session. Do not include the 'Acl' component.

var $components = array('Session','SessionAcl');?>

The component stores itself as $this->Acl and so you can continue using e.g.
$this->Acl->check($user_alias, "Posts", "read");
as usual. The only difference is that now SessionAcl is working for you. All standard functions deny, allow etc. work as well.

If you need to destroy the cache, call


or delete the 'Acl' variable from the Session.

Extra functions
SessionAcl comes with extra functions to simplify certain checks. Say you would like to allow a user to access something only if he has read access to A and create access to B. Normally, you would write:

if ($this->Acl->check($user_alias, "A", "read") && $this->Acl->check($user_alias, "B", "create"))

Using SessionAcl, you can do:

if ($this->Acl->all($user_alias, array("A" => "read", "B" => "create")))

Similarly, if you would like to allow the user only if he has read access to at least one of A, B, C or D, instead of writing

if ($this->Acl->check($user_alias, "A", "read") || $this->Acl->check($user_alias, "B", "read") || $this->Acl->check($user_alias, "C", "read") || $this->Acl->check($user_alias, "D", "read"))

you now can write

if ($this->Acl->one($user_alias, array("A" => "read", "B" => "read", "C" => "read", "D" => "read")))

Sometimes you want to perform several checks at once. Say you'd like to know if a user has read,create and delete access to A,B,C respectively, at once. You can do

$result = $this->Acl->can($user_alias, array("A" => "read", "B" => "create", "C" => "delete"))

$result now contains, say:
[true, false, true]

Use it with array_combine to simplify work:

$can = array_combine(array("read_A","create_B","delete_C"), $this->Acl->can($user_alias, array("A" => "read", "B" => "create", "C" => "delete"));

if ($can["create_B"]) {...

Component Class:
* ACL Caching.
* Yet another take at Caching ACL queries, now using Session.
* Adapted from http://www.nabble.com/ACL-Auth-Speed-Issues-td21386047.html
* and bits and pieces taken from cached_acl.php
* It also extends ACL with some nifty functions for easier and simpler code.
* Cake's ACL doesn't cache anything. For better performance, we
* put results of check into session. Only ::check() is wrapped,
* other functions are simply piped to the parent Acl object,
* though it can be handy to wrap these too in future.
* @author macduy
App::import('Component', 'Acl');
App::import('component', 'Session');
class SessionAclComponent extends AclComponent

   function initialize(&$controller)
       $this->master =& $controller;
       $controller->Acl =& $this;
       $this->Session = new SessionComponent();
   function check($aro, $aco, $action = "*")
       $path = $this->__cachePath($aro, $aco, $action);
       if ($this->Session->check($path))
           return $this->Session->read($path);
       } else
           $check = parent::check($aro, $aco, $action);
           $this->Session->write($path, $check);
           return $check;

    * Allow
   function allow($aro, $aco, $action = "*")
       parent::allow($aro, $aco, $action);
       $this->__delete($aro, $aco, $action);

    * Deny method.
   function deny($aro, $aco, $action = "*")
       parent::deny($aro, $aco, $action);
       $this->__delete($aro, $aco, $action);

    * Inherit method.
    * This method overrides and uses the original
    * method. It only adds cache to it.
    * @param string $aro ARO
    * @param string $aco ACO
    * @param string $action Action (defaults to *)
    * @access public
   function inherit($aro, $aco, $action = "*")
       parent::inherit($aro, $aco, $action);
       $this->__delete($aro, $aco, $action);

    * Grant method.
    * This method overrides and uses the original
    * method. It only adds cache to it.
    * @param string $aro ARO
    * @param string $aco ACO
    * @param string $action Action (defaults to *)
    * @access public
   function grant($aro, $aco, $action = "*")
       parent::grant($aro, $aco, $action);
       $this->__delete($aro, $aco, $action);

    * Revoke method.
    * This method overrides and uses the original
    * method. It only adds cache to it.
    * @param string $aro ARO
    * @param string $aco ACO
    * @param string $action Action (defaults to *)
    * @access public
   function revoke($aro, $aco, $action = "*")
       parent::revoke($aro, $aco, $action);
       $this->__delete($aro, $aco, $action);

    * Returns a unique, dot separated path to use as the cache key. Copied from CachedAcl.
    * @param string $aro ARO
    * @param string $aco ACO
    * @param boolean $acoPath Boolean to return only the path to the ACO or the full path to the permission.
    * @access private
   function __cachePath($aro, $aco, $action, $acoPath = false)
       if ($action != "*")
           $aco .= '/' . $action;
       $path = Inflector::slug($aco);

       if (!$acoPath)
           if (!is_array($aro))
               $_aro = explode(':', $aro);
           } elseif (Set::countDim($aro) > 1)
               $_aro = array(key($aro), current(current($aro)));
           } else
               $_aro = array_values($aro);
           $path .= '.' . Inflector::slug(implode('.', $_aro));

       return "Acl.".$path;

    * Deletes the cache reference in Session, if found
    function __delete($aro, $aco, $action) {
        $key = $this->__cachePath($aro, $aco, $action, true);
        if ($this->Session->check($key))

     * Deletes the whole cache from the Session variable
    function flushCache() {

     * Checks that ALL of given pairs of aco-action are satisfied
    function all($aro, $pairs) {
        foreach ($pairs as $aco => $action)
            if (!$this->check($aro,$aco,$action))
                return false;
        return true;

     * Checks that AT LEAST ONE of given pairs of aco-action is satisfied
    function one($aro, $pairs) {
        foreach ($pairs as $aco => $action)
            if ($this->check($aro,$aco,$action))
                return true;
        return false;
     * Returns an array of booleans for each $aco-$aro pair
    function can($aro, $pairs) {
        $can = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($pairs as $aco => $action)
            $can[$i] = $this->check($aro,$aco,$action);
        return $can;





Master Symbian
Master Symbian

Aveces me encantaria poder aprender todo lo que saves krhono y poder ayudar descubriendo tricks y todo lo que posteas pero siempre pones tus garavatos sin siquiera explicar que ondas u solo entienden los que ya estan mas avanzados y tienen mayores conocimientos u.u y los que no nos jodimos a seguir como estamos espero mi comentario no lo tomes a mal :'(



Sin comentarios... Bueno creo que si fue comentario el no comentar.
Aprende mas Cita textual  cacheo de acl usando session Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOGyMxD-Mnr4z_eAqWinWt658aRwNXfBAbdn95c8RwoqNWuRJ4



Game Master
Game Master

nesecito estudiar mas



Gran Titan
Gran Titan

No tengo ni idea de qué es eso. :/


Gran Titan
Gran Titan

e_e esto es un post más que nos deja con más dudas


Gran Experto
Gran Experto

muy interesante Master.
algunas veces t excedes


Master Android
Master Android

krhono e encontrado enlaces a servidores de telcel como lo son piwik y cake php que esta en tu log. encontre una forma de usar un trick ideas en perfll internet.


Master Picture
Master Picture

El "localismo" sólo debería ser un problema si se tiene varios servidores web que distribuyan la carga

Si estoy entendiendo el tema, creo que el 'localismo' se puede evitar mediante el uso de las sesiones que utilizan la base de datos o métodos de almacenamiento mem cached distribuidos.

Después de que se implementa, como dice el artículo, los cambios de ACL no se contabilizan hasta que el usuario inicie sesión de nuevo.

La desventaja, como se señala en el artículo, es por supuesto el "localismo" y por lo tanto no puede ser adecuada en todas las situaciones.


Gran Titan
Gran Titan

Mediante uso de sesiones Smile
muy bueno...


Gran Titan
Gran Titan

chale krhono todo en parabola no entiendo... ojala algun dia pases algo que podamos entender...


Gran Titan
Gran Titan

me isiste bolas men


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